Stroke Scan Plus will host a Stroke, Vascular & Abdominal Ultrasound Screening at Our Lady of Fatima on Wednesday, August 14. They will check the following:
1. Carotid arteries on both sides of the neck for fatty plaque build-up, which accounts for 80% of all strokes.
2. Abdominal aorta, which is the main artery off the heart for aneurysms.
3. Thyroid, which controls the metabolism, for cyst, nodules, and enlargements.
4. Liver, gallbladder, and both kidneys for cyst, masses, fluid build-up, and tumors.
These screenings are not typically performed at annual physicals, nor will insurance companies pay for them unless you are symptomatic. Collectively, these screenings cost thousands in a hospital. Stroke Scan will offer them to you for $179 for all 7 combined. Health/Flex Savings Accounts are accepted. Payment isn't due until the day of screening.
Call 832-437-7355 for an appointment.