Apostolate of Mary
Gathers in the Adoration Chapel every Tuesday, 1:00-2:00 PM to pray aloud the Rosary and the Divine Chaplet of Mercy.
Eucharistic Adoration
All can bask in the love of Christ with the Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel.
First Saturday Devotionals
Every 1st Saturday starts with 8:15am Mass, followed by Rosary, 15 min. silent meditation, and Benediction.
Healing Ministry
Holds prayer sessions for people seeking healing for physical and associated emotional ailments.
Intercessory Prayer Group
Friday morning prayer group for special intentions of the parish.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Children ages 3-9 experience Jesus in a quiet, prayerful environment.
Children's Sunday Catechesis
Children grades 2-5 preparing for the sacraments invited into a life of faith.
Children grades 4-5 and already received sacraments explore life of discipleship.
Totus Tuus
Week-long summer program for evangelization of children grades 1-12.
Vacation Bible School
Week-long summer program with Bible theme for children grades K-6.
Beacon (High School)
Youth grades 9-12 step out into the world as disciples of Christ.
Blaze (Middle School)
Youth grades 6-8 explore the Gospel message & how to live it every day.
Catechesis for lifelong Catholics, returning Catholics, new converts, and OCIA inquirers.
Thursday Evening Scripture Study
Uses Catholic-based studies to reflect and discuss Scripture and Catholic faith.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Wednesday morning study of Sacred Scripture.
Parents attend Infant Baptism Class at Our Lady of Fatima.
Couples prepare for Christian marriage.
Adults & children (ages 7+) enter the Catholic faith through OCIA.
Reconciliation - Confirmation - Eucharist
1st Reconciliation, Confirmation and 1st Eucharist preparation for children.
Altar Servers
Boys & girls grades 4+ assist at Mass & grow closer to God in the Eucharist.
Distribute the Body & Blood of Christ to the faithful at Mass & homebound.
Study Holy Scripture & proclaim the Word of God to the assembly at Mass.
Music Ministry
Various groups provide music for weekend Masses.
Official hosts at Mass with genuine desire to welcome & help all at Mass.
Coffee & Donuts
Volunteers serve coffee & donuts after Sunday 7am & 9am Masses.
Funeral Ministry
Provide a luncheon in the Parish Hall after funeral services.
Welcome people coming to Mass with a friendly hello & help with door.
Food Box Ministry
Volunteers assemble & process food boxes for people in need.
Habitat for Humanity
Christian homeownership program builds & sells homes to families in need.
Queen of Peace Rosary Circle
Rosary making for the community.
Respect Life Ministry
Promote dignity & worth of all human life from conception to natural death.
St. Cecilia Circle
Monthly "sing-along" at local nursing homes to lift spirits & have fun.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Circle
Community outreach for the homeless and needy.
Art & Environment Group
Weekly care of the altar plants and decorations for liturgical seasons.
Offertory Counters
Weekly count & deposit of donations and receipts to the parish.
St. Jacinta Circle
Monthly care of the altar vessels, candle holders, and altar server vestments.
St. Margaret Circle
Weekly care of the altar linens & hand embroidery for infant baptismal bibs.
Finance Council
Assist pastor evaluate & formulate parish needs for present & long range.
Pastoral Council
Advisory board to pastor striving to further the mission & purpose of the parish.
Returning Catholics
Support for Catholics separated from the Church and interested in returning.
Band of Brothers
Saturday morning men's group for spiritual growth, fellowship & service.
Knights of Columbus
Men's group instrumental in the work of the parish & outreach activities.
Altar & Rosary Society
Parish ministry entrusted with caring for the church & parishioners.
Mom's Group
Moms gather for community, prayer, and rest.
St. Clare Circle
Assist with social activities within our parish.
Young Adults Ministry
Living the faith, becoming missionary disciples, and serving our parish & community.
American Heritage Girls Troop 513
Christian scouting organization specifically for girls.
Cub Scout Pack 166
Boys grades K-5 explore new activities & learn virtues of faith & service.
Scouts BSA Troop 166
Boys ages 11-18 learn life skills & grow in faith through service.